Welcome to Blink2 Studio @ Wainwright Photography

One of the things that I enjoy most about being a photographer is connecting with people. I started Blink2 as a separate part of Wainwright Photography to allow me to do just that.

How’d we get here?

I’ve done nature photography and sold some of my work as framed art. I’ve also done sports photography, headshots, and portraits. I have one magazine cover in my credits. One of my favorite genres is street photography. I enjoy meeting and interacting with people and I feel that I walk away from every occurrence a richer person. So, I’ve decided to wade into the waters just a bit more and that’s why I have created Blink2. My goals for Blink2 are pretty simple. I want to work with people, create great portraits, infuse some confidence, and maybe even some laughter along the way. Photography is fun. Whether you’re behind the camera, working the lights, styling the subject, or in front of the lens… if you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

Please check out my work, and if my style aligns with yours, let’s have some fun and create some beautiful images that you’ll cherish for a long time to come.